At Dukes Wood L.T.C. we are committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, in all the programmes and events we run. We strive to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.
Our ‘Safeguarding’ and ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ policies are regularly updated in line with L.T.A. guidelines and available to view below and at the clubhouse.
Our coaches are L.T.A. accredited which means that, in addition to their coaching qualifications, they receive regular criminal record checks (DBS), safeguarding and first aid training. All young helpers over the age of 16 also have DBS checks.
Our Welfare Officer, Lucy Costa-D'sa, is DBS checked and has completed all the relevant L.T.A. training for her role which is regularly updated
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: not responding to a concern is not an option.

Lucy Costa-D'sa
Welfare Officer
Tel: 07920 848 512
View and download the Dukes Wood Lawn Tennis Club Diversity & Inclusion Policy here